Kids Here Learn Too Much And Know Little
There are a few thoughts I've been mulling over as regards the kids here.
Firstly, their actions, being, maturity, etc.. Relative to their age. Or should I really say... Relative to young people and children I am used to interacting with. Namely those in England, with whom I have worked. Now I wouldn't say that many of the young people I worked with in England were exactly mature, quite the opposite in many ways.
They were and are however far more mature, savvy, street-wise, whatever way you want to put it, than kids here. When you have a 15 year old holding out their hands, and chasing you down the corridor for some bloody stickers, you've got to wonder. Their all so sheltered. Which isn't always a bad thing. The English kids I refer to, well they on the most part could have done with some sheltering in their lives. This lot however, are sheltered from everything by being in constant education. The have no time to learn about 'life', as they are permanently stuck inside a classroom learning facts.
Being at school or at an academy until midnight every night, which many if not most kids here do, is beyond stupid. It's going to have some serious results in the future. These kids are being damaged, because 'the system' thinks that as much education as is humanly possible, is a good thing. Little or no down time, no time to relax, no time to be children. Education, education, education! Here they have taken that old 'New Labour' mantra to its furthest degree.
All these intensively hot-housed kids has got to have a negative effect in the future of Korean society. Problem being, by the time they realise there will be a whole damaged generation out there. In fact by the time they realise, it'll be the damaged generation that'll be the ones in the positions of power.
Finally, they are all learning so many different subjects. To the extent that many know very little about lots of things. Some know a lot about a few things, and precious little about the rest. And others, well they just seem to know nothing about everything.