It Was About Time.
That I made an entry on the blog. I can't remember when I last did an entry, and so what has happened since.
We've not been doing any volunteer work, as the Immigration has told us if we do without their permission we'll be deported. So we are sitting on our hands a bit at the moment. I think in the next wekk or so we'll sort out a trip down to Alice and to Ayers Rock. Just not round to it yet.
We have not done anything to write home about really. Been to the cinema, a trip to Buffalo Creek last weekend, and we are supposed to be going to the Casino tonight. Last weekend Sam and I went to the 20th Anniversay of the Darwin Entertainment Centre being opened. Not much happening, so we left and hit the bars in town.
I think the heat does get to you here. Makes you lethargic. Just can't be bothered to do much half the time. I'm still working on the website (not having done much for the past week), it's nearly done. The bid is a slow painful one, but it's more than half way there now. Khampha is doing his bit back in Laos, looking for funding streams to get us back there. I think he wants us to run a project when we do eventually get there, he sent us an email about potential funding for a community based waste management and recycling project. Sam has been looking into that.
Things are moving along, just very slowly. Which isn't all bad. It's okay to not do anything sometimes. I've been writing again. Something I've been meaning to do, and not really done in ages. I've got a short story in progress, that I'm really pleased with. Should have that written in the next couple of weeks. I'm not sure whether it's in the short story or novella category. It's all down to word count! It's going to be a long short story, as I'm over 3000 words in and still only at the beginning.
Anwyay, not much to tell, as not done much. Pictures from Buffalo Creek to publish, or published by the time you read this.
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