Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Almost But Not Quite

We'd arranged to go and do some work with Conservation Austrailia, helping to clear some paths somewhere near the East Point. I made sandwiches the night before, we'd sorted out a cool bag, appropriate clothing, everything. We went to bed early, and even managed to get up in the morning. In fact we even managed to get ourselves to the bus stop at about 6.30am to catch the bus into Darwin town.

That is when it all went wrong. The rain kicked-in, and did it kick-in with a vengeance. Within less than a minute we were both soaked through to the skin. Rain had even leaked down my legs into my 'waterproof' walking boots, soaking through my socks. Drowned rats had nothing on us. So a little pissed-off we trudged back to the house, peeled off our wet things and decided that the whole thing was a definate wash-out.

It has continued to throw-it-down on and off all day, so tit is likely that the whole thing would have been called off anyway. After all it is a little hard to use a strimmer when the grass is sodden. So the rain may have saved us from a wasted journey.

There's a tree planting thing happening on Saturday that we may go to. They feed us there, a BBQ, which is always good. We are supposed to be sorting out the project proposal, Sam mentioned that we should just get on with that today. To be fair, my head is up my arse slightly. I didn't sleep well at all last night, was awake most of the night, and only grabbed a dozy hour or so on the the sofa this morning after we got back. I want to write, in fact I tried this morning, but my level of keyboard dyslexia is outstanding.

I think I need another coffee, just to keep my eyes open. I really feel like to total space cadet at the moment.


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