Decision Made
After our refreshing night away (see entry below), and knowing that very soom we will be feeling down again, and that we need to move on soon anyway, and that we are planning to be in Cambodia by mid-December, and that we've had problems that will raise their head again at work, and that, and that, and that...
Basically there are a lot of reasons factorin into why we have come to a decsion. We have decided that we are going to finish working for the CDEA after the big international seminar on the 5th to the 7th of December. So that starts 2 weeks on Monday. We will help them work towards that, get through it. Then on the weekend after we will head down to Pakse and Paksong, do the south of Laos. Go to the coffee grwoing region, go to the 4000 islands, and all that.
Then we will head into Cambodia to meet Huw and Brendon on some beach somewhere, around the 20th-ish. I think. We'll stick in the Lotus bid, and if successful then we can always come back to Laos after we have been to Oz. Plus we volunteer work lined up in Oz. We can't spend much more time living above the office, is mainly the reason for needing to get away. We can't afford not to live above the office though. Bit of a Catch 22 situation. So we have set a final date, and if Lotus are willing to pay us to come back then fine. As if they do we could afford to rent a house for a year, have our own space. Not having to share with a middle-aged Thai man Monday to Friday!
We've talked about it and decided that we will tell them next week. Then we all know where we stand, and Sam and I will feel a lot better about things.
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