Japanese Drumming
We went to the Lao Cultural Hall last night to see the Japanese drumming. It was to celebrate 50 years of relations between Lao and Japan. As a free event there were many people there, from diplomats and goverment officials to homeless street kids. The guy who did the show was amazing. The strength and power was outstanding, as he drummed on huge drums bigger than a man, at fantastic speeds. We were glad that we had got to go, as to see something like this back in the UK, would only happen in London and would cost a fortune.
The show had top be seen to be appreciated, and I would suggest to anyone that gets an opportunity to see it should go. The skill fo this guy and his partrner who cam on to do the double drumming was impressive to say the least.
Today, it's back to the daily work with the CDEA. Working as advisors to them is a challenge at times, as I have said before, but we seem at the moment to be getting somewhere. The organisational Mission Statement is all but finished, needed a tweak. We are next to work on the long-term strategy for the organisation. Alongside this we have just finished the 2nd phase project proposal for the expansion of the schools project, and am about to start work on the 2nd phase project proposal for the Organic Composting and Organic Farming project. Oh, and not to forget the Community Resource Centre project proposal we have been working on as well.
Keeping busy, making links with the large NGOs here in Lao also. Lots of meetings with Country Directors, trying to help them to understand the position of the Lao based not-for-profit oragnisations. Our time maybe limited here if we do not get sponsership to stay longer, so we are aware that the clock is ticking. Plus when we finish here and eventually get to Oz, we start again with the support work for the Aboriginal Community in Darwin. So out of the frying pan into the fire, maybe a suitable phrase to use.
Mo from www.thisisull.com has been working on the Blue International website. Still very much under construction, but considering he is busy as webmaster for thisisull, and we can only communicate sporadically by email, things are coming along well. If anyone is interested in seeing the Under Construction site then visit www.blueinternational.org to have a look.
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