Saturday, November 12, 2005


We nearly walked off the job yesterday! Sombat the Thai advisor sent us an email. Among the totally disrespectful crap he wrote he told us that we couldn't use English, that we didn't have the right 'vocabualties' (sic). Twat! How dare someone verging on illiterate when it comes to a command of the English language tell two native speakers that they don't know how to use their own language. Angry doesn't even come near to how we felt. He'd really over-stepped the mark.

He also over-stepped his position. He told us we couldn't write anything for the CDEA and the we had got it wrong on some points we'd made. Namely that the composting project was not a CDEA project, but a LUSEA project. We checked this. Firstly the great big bloody sign outside the project has the CDEA logo slapped all over it, and secondly we had a copy of the original bid stating it was a CDEA project.

So today when Khanthone came with breakfast, as he usually does on a Saturday morning, we brought this up with him. Showed him the email, told him we had been disrespected, and that if Sombat (the fat twat) was telling people that project that were CDEA, weren't, then he was bringing shame on the CDEA. He told us not to worry, that he was the boss and what he says goes. Sombat had no right to tell us such things.

The reality we think is that Sombat feels that his nose is being pushed out by us being there, and that we are achieving things he hasn't been able to, particularly when it comes to making connections with the NGOs. I mean that's the easy bit. You go in Stickys, as we did last night, and they are all getting slaughtered on the Happy Hour cocktails. Or at least the Brit NGO lot we hang out with are. We sounded off to Jamie from MAG about the whole thing, he put things into perspective for us. It's becoming a regular Friday night thing to do. Go down to Stickys and sound-off about how work is driving you mad.

Anyway it's the weekend now, so time to chill-out. Just got back from town, got some vid's to watch, sorted!


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