Tiny's Big One.
Just another day in Thailand. Waiting in Chang Mai for our Laos visas.
We went to the cinema last night. At the Airport Plaza, a huge shopping centre. We ended up watching Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, which we both enjoyed a lot. It was good to get out of our little corner of Chang Mai for a night.
Yesterday we got some new books to read, at a cute little place called the Lost Book Shop, just around the corner from where we are staying. After almost an hour of scanning the shelves, I ended up sticking with the Beats, and got Ken Kesey's One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. Sam got one by JG Ballard, called Millenium People. Good to have something new to read, that should keep us going well into Laos. If we end up doing the slow boat, which is likely, then we are really going to need them.
After the cinema, we dropped by at our new favourite haunt, Tiny Corner. Brett was there (the surf dude looking guy), as was Ulff (really not sure on the spelling, but it will do). Ulff leaves tomorrow, so Brett was getting him hammered as a farwell treat. He's a big bloke Ulff, he'd been a bouncer at one time on Vience Beach. To see him pissed was quite amusing. What finished him off was the Tiny's Big One. A cocktail that seemed to contain whatever was on the shelf behind the bar. Hardcore! So another night of good company and good conversation ensued, and a good time was had by all.
Today, is back down to serious business. We need to find jobs in Laos. So lots of searching on the internet.
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