Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sick Of Being Sick

Well after all that, I didn't manage to do the half marathon. Samantha and I have been sick for going on a week now. Only a cold, but hell it has hung on in there.

This weekend, which was supposed to be the weekend of the run, we just hung out at home. We're pretty much over it now, which is good. Hopefully this weekend, we can make something of our time off.

It is Halloween weekend, and there are plans to dress up and do the whole thing. I do not have a clue what I'm going to do. Not a lot of stuff lying around to create a costume out of. I'm sure I'll come up with something at the last minute.

We're now starting to think about what we are going to do after this contract finishes. As we've mentioned before, we'd like to do university work. That means we have to put together a package of stuff for the application. Easier said than done, but I'm sure we'll get it sorted.


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