Full Circle
Well we've finally done it. Completed the circle and being back to Hull. It was in many ways a big deal. Seeing the old place after what is going on for almost a year, seeing old friends and hopefully seeing the girls.
The place has changed, Princes Ave has more bars. In fact the increase in bars is about the only major physical change. The friends that haven't moved away themselves were good to meet up with. It was as if we'd not been away in many ways, as we just slipped back into how things were before we left.
It was great to see Mo and Cilla, Steve, Martin, Jase, Ray, Jonny and Jo, Tom, Yan, Kenny, etc... The list goes on, and we managed to fit them all in, and spend a decent length of time with them all. Which was good.
The girls were a slightly different matter. Dee dragged things out until the very end, pathetic really. I wish she'd just grow up and stop playing power games. I have never come across someone who is so up their own arse, that they cannot see the damage they are causing around them. Anyway, that said, the main thing is I did get to see Eve. It would have been goof to see Charlotte as well, but you can't have everything.
It was a little strange at first for us both and she didn't come to me until 5-10 minutes in. But once the we'd got over that it was huge hugs, lots of kisses and 'I missed you' on both sides. Many a tear was shed by us both, but overall it was a wonderful first meetig after being apart for so long.
Shit man! ah well, she always was a bit of a degenerate wasnt she richie!?!
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