Settling Back Into Life In The UK (Not)
Well we've been back exactly 3 weeks now. We quickly settled into working for Alex and living at the Arden Arms, which is in the middle of nowhere, but the middle of everywhere at the same time.
So we have a base, from which to start. Looking for work, mainly in the North East at the moment. Seeing as that is where we are living. Although it's a pretty good place to be for development work. The North East is deprived, so there are a lot of projects going on.
It's not ideal though, as I still have itchy feet. I don't particularly want to be trapped back in the UK. It never has suited me livng here, and I don't think it ever will. I have always felt like I should be somewhere else in the world, and now after travelling I feel that all the more. It may do to be here in the short term, until we get established again. A year maybe, but after that we have to look at longterm or even permanent escape.
We plan to go back to Hull for a visit in 2 weeks, to see everyone. The bad news is that Dee has disappeared with the girls. I don't know where she has gone, and so have to track her down. Oh well, back to the reality of living in a country of mean spirited nasty people. It really hurts. I have a daughter out there, and I don't know where she is. All because she has a twisted piece of work for a mother. Life ay, ain't it great?!
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