Tuesday, April 10, 2007

HTML What The Hell?!

I've been trying to play with my blog template. The new Blogger powered through Goole allows you to drag and drop elements onto your page. Great! Not!! I couldn't add in anything extra, like the Lulu link graphic I have on the site.

I have enough problems understanding HTML, without all this widget nonsense that they now have. So I've sacked it off and reverted back to the old template. I wish I had the time and inclination to learn HTML. I hear it's supposed to be pretty easy to get your head around.

Not having a computer, and only having access at school makes things hard. I can't wait until we can afford to get our own machine, in a couple of months time. It will make my life so much easier. I need to get on with some writing, which part of coming out to Korea was supposed to give me the space to do. I'm just sat twiddling my thumbs at the moment, and getting frustrated by it.

Also if we had our own machine, we could spend the time coming up with better resources for the kids at school. At the moment we are knocking stuff up quickly, or ripping stuff off the internet, which isn't always perfect for our situation.

Only a few months, and hopefulyy we'll have a machine. I'll just have to stick with what we have, or haven't, got until then.


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