Friday, April 06, 2007

Thoughts Of Friday

It's Friday afternoon, and I have a free lesson. The time I'm using to put together a package of worksheets and activities for the up-coming Earth Day, on the 22nd of April.

So I've got together things like mazes and colour sheets for the youngest students, then comprehensions for the rest, getting harder as we progress through the levels. They can use the information as the basis for this month's essay topic, which we plan to be around the 3R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). I'm also making labels for be coloured in and stuck around the school. Things like 'switch off the lights', 'turn off the water', etc...

However I'm starting to flag a bit. The week has flown as usual, but it's been a long week in other ways. Another couple of late sessions, doing telephone interviews, having to write reports, so having to get on top of the filing. It's also the start of a new schedule for April, so getting used to that. So there has been a lot going on this week, on top of the normal day-to-day teaching.

We have also just been paid. Less than we will get normally, due to having to pay a deposit of our apartment, and some other initial bits and pieces. No worries, as we expected it. Anyway, we've been paid, it's Friday and we are supposed to be going out to an area of Suwon that Ben used to live. He recommends it, for bars, etc... At the moment I'm feeling shattered, and still have 3 lesson sessions to go.

Hopefully I'll perk-up when school is over.


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