Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Light At The First Semester Tunnel

Time has flown. Can't believe it's the end of the first semester at Suwon University. I know I always say about not up-dating the blog. It is down to a mix of laziness, settling into daily routine (so not having anything of great interest to say), and using facebook.

Most everyone I know uses facebook, so they are fully aware what is going on. We communicate all the time, often in real-time, so a blog seems useless at times. Except really for my and Samantha's own record of our life and times.

Anyway, as I said the first semester is at an end. In less than a week we will be flying back to the UK for our hols. Not that there will be much relaxing going on, as we'll be flying around all over visiting people. Samantha's family are dotted all around the country. I have James to see, if we can get it together. As for my kids! Well that's another matter. Not looking likely as it stands at the moment. Shame!

It's been good working for a university. We have another semester to go, and maybe another year if they renew our contract. Which I feel they will. Yep, this is an easy life. Good pay, short hours, easy work-load. Perfect! This is what a little hard-work and a random degree can get you. Also some luck and a few good friends, with the ear of the Korean management.

Well I'm sure the blog will become active again when we hit the UK. As we'll be on our travels. Which is the point of the blog really.


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