Monday, June 11, 2007

Samantha's Birthday

Samantha's actual birthday was on Sunday, a day we actualy didn't do much more than chill-out at home. The birthday celebrations had started on the Friday night however.

We'd decided ages before to have a Mexican night, as Kristin had got a load of food stuffs sent over from the States. The weekend of Samantha's birthday sounded perfect. So Kristin grabbed our keys before we finished work and started on the preparations. We got home, and gradually over the course of the evening people started to arrive.

There was just a nice number, as we didn't know who was coming. We'd randomly invited all sorts of people. Ben was first, as expected, followed by Amy a Korean teacher we work with. Jorge then hobbled in, his back still playing up. Then I had to go meet with Dot and Ian, who turned up with friends of theirs, Chris, Alan and his wife Wahrena.

So the party got going with really good Mexican food, thanks to Kristin and Dot who also brought stuff. They'd both also made Pinatas, which went down a storm. Whacking things with big sticks always seems to hit the mark. The night ended in the very early hours. Well it was daylight when I and Ben walked Amy back home.

Needless to say we slept until midday. Got up sort ourselves out and grabbed a Metro up to Seoul to pick-up Samantha's main present. A smoky topaz pendant, that we'd had set in silver on a silver chain. So Ben, Samantha and I went up, followed not far behind by Jorge, to Itaewon. Where without any planning bumped into John and Jo by sheer accident, stood at a crossing. I mean what are the chances in a city the size of Seoul, to just happen to be crossing a road at the same time as your friends.

We had a couple of beers with them, before they went, and we tucked into a curry at the 15,000 all-you-can-eat buffet Indian place we'd found. That was us done, stuffed on good food we headed home.

Like I say, Sunday was sedate. As we wanted it. We'd done the partying, and it was nice just to chill at home. Besides Monday is always an early start for us, so we have to be sensible.


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